Dental Filling | Tooth Fillings | Cavity Fillings in Lucknow
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Dental Filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. Best Dentist in Lucknow treats a filling, firstly the decayed tooth material is removed and the affected area is cleaned. Then only our dentist fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. Modern dentistry has found a way to let you keep your decayed teeth. All that needs to be done is to have the bacteria professionally removed and then to replace the hole in the tooth with a hard, tooth-like material known as a dental filling.

Dental fillings can be divided into two broad types: Direct restorations and In-direct restorations.

Direct Restorations

This technique involves placing a soft or malleable filling into the prepared tooth and building up the tooth before the material sets hard. The advantage of direct restorations is that they usually set quickly and can be placed in a single procedure.

Indirect Restorations

In this technique the restoration is fabricated outside of the mouth using the dental impressions of the prepared tooth. Common indirect restorations include inlays and on lays, crowns, bridges, and veneers.

There are different choices available in dental fillings at our dental clinic in Lucknow. But since different types of fillings are better for different dental conditions, the dentist helps and gives his expert opinion to decide which type of filling is right for the patient’s, based on factors including the location and severity of the decay.

At Realtooth Dental Clinics in Lucknow a few common types of fillings include Gold fillings, Silver amalgam fillings, Composite fillings, Porcelain fillings and Glass ionomers are treated by the expert dentists.

For all types of dental filling procedures you can consult with an expert at Realtooth Dental Clinic. Our clinics are open 7 days a week. You can book an appointment at +918881900300

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