Can a Dental Implant Replace a Bridge?
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Can a Dental Implant Replace a Bridge?

Can a Dental Implant Replace a Bridge?


Why should one choose implant over a bridge placement to close the gap due to tooth loss? We'll the answer is simple when one has lost a single tooth the better option is to replace just one tooth rather than altering 2 more for a bridge placement which may seem like a more economical option at the time but one has to loose tooth structure which can't be gained back.
The importance of implant:
One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is they place less of a burden on the surrounding teeth and promote healing of bone structures and gums under the teeth. They also tend to reduce long-term risks posed to the jaw. Generally, a high-quality dental implant should be expected to last a lifetime.
A dental bridge attaches to the remaining healthy teeth surrounding a gap to create a bridge across the area in a recipient’s smile. In more traditional versions of the procedure, the two teeth on opposite sides of a gap are shaved down to accommodate a bridge.
When due to unforeseen circumstances the tooth is lost one should look for a long term solution as the bone lying underneath can degrade overtime. So the better option is to consult a dentist for finding out the option for the implant.
There are a lot of factors in play when deciding between a dental implant and a dental bridge, including convenience, cost and how long it takes to complete the process. When it comes to weighing the pros and cons, your dentist is your best resource
Implants are small threaded posts that replace missing tooth roots. A surgeon places the dental implant into your jaw during oral surgery. Once the implant heals, your dentist places a crown on top.
Common challenges:
Placement and maintenance of dental implant is easier as there is one element to focus on for its maintenance.
The main advantage of bridges is that they are considered to be one of the most cost-effective methods for replacing missing teeth. Another advantage of bridges is they don’t require bone grafting if bone loss is present. Bridges also offer a quicker process for replacing missing teeth.
One of the biggest disadvantages of bridges is that they place greater strain on surrounding structures, especially the two teeth which are attached to the device. For this reason, a bridge rarely is expected to last a lifetime. Bridges also do not address concerns about underlying structural problems. This means that long-term issues arising from bone loss due to the removal of teeth will continue to advance even after the gap is addressed.
To fill in for missing teeth without replacing the roots. At its most basic, a bridge consists of crowns that are placed over your natural teeth on each side of the missing tooth, and an artificial tooth that “bridges” the gap between them.
The main upside to a bridge is that it tends to be a quicker process, start to finish. You don’t have that surgical side of things that you have with an implant, so that can definitely be a plus.
A bridge needs the support of two adjacent teeth whose enamel needs to be altered for its placement in total to close the gap of the missing tooth.
The maintenance of a bridge is more challenging as the preparation of the adjacent tooth alters it permanently this is also called” Vital preparation”.
During the preparation there is a chance that the underlying pulp can get exposed or injured due to anatomical limitations, for which RCT will be needed.
Removal of implant prosthetic is easier when compared to a bridge as the original tooth can fracture on removal of a bridge.
Dental implants still need care and maintenance. But typically, a single tooth implant is going to be a lot easier to keep clean than a bridge
An implant does better with its maintenance once it integrates with the bone and the crown removal is easy for regular check-ups whereas the bridge can be affected by secondary caries as the gum health reduces over time.
Professional intervention:
For implant- Before a dentist places an implant they take a 3 dimension X-ray and based on the quality of the bone defect present a suitable graft is placed.
Procedure for implant:
After mock placement of implant is done on digital x-ray there are specific drills used to create space needed for the placement of implant pre-decided by the implantologist.
In the first stage the pilot drills creates the necessary space for the next sequence of drills so that the implant can be placed where the body of the implant is placed along with the necessary type of graft for guided bone regeneration.
In the second stage the of implant after complete bone integration the healing abutment is placed so that the space is finalised for the prosthesis. Based on the type of ceramic crown needed the milling is done and placed and can only be remover by a dental professional.
Procedure for a bridge placement:
For a bridge placement a 2 dimension X-ray is sufficient and is place by vital preparation of two adjacent teeth one mesial and one distal to the gap of the missing tooth. The only drawback of this procedure is that though it is economical it requires the removal of healthy enamel tissue from the tooth for a three unit bridge placement.
After the crown preparation is done a digital impression can be taken and based on which a bridge is fabricated.
In cases where patients have lost a significant number of teeth in a row, it’s not unusual for dentists to recommend a mixed approach.
For example, the loss of all the molars may mean your dentist needs to put in an implant at one end, where there is no longer a tooth. Your dentist may then attach a cap at the other end, creating a bridge from the implant post to the healthy tooth.
Likewise, people who have lost most or all of their teeth in a particular section of their mouths may be good candidates for bridge-like structures that straddle two implant posts

When the sudden loss of the tooth occurs one should invest in an implant by looking at the larger picture rather than looking at short term gains where a bridge will suffice too but at the cost of healthy enamel alterations.
Tips: do remember to visit your local dentist for the complete detailed description of implant and bridge and all kinds of mixed or common ground solutions for your prosthetic treatment options.

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