Conquer Your Dental Anxiety With The Gentle Care
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Conquer Your Dental Anxiety With The Gentle Care of Realtooth

Conquer Your Dental Anxiety With The Gentle Care of Realtooth



We all know how important regular dental checkups are for our overall oral health, but for some the mere thought of visiting a dentist makes them nervous and brings them panic and dread. Come let us help you understand dental anxiety better and help you overcome your fear of visiting the dentist, so that you can achieve optimal oral health care.

Understanding dental anxiety:

Are you one of those who consider visiting the dentist a daunting experience? Is the fear of needles or apprehension of pain during the dental procedure making you avoid your dental checkups? This feeling of apprehension towards the dentist and dental clinic is what we call dental anxiety, which can put off your dental visits until the pain you feel gets unbearable.

Causes of dental anxiety:

Before we discuss the ways in which our doctors at Realtooth help ease your dental anxiety or fear, let us first know about some of the causes of dental anxiety;

  1. Fear of blood
  2. Fear of injections
  3. Intrusion of personal space
  4. Fear of choking
  5. Fear of pain
  6. Worries regarding anesthesia and its effects
  7. Fear of dentist
  8. Noise from airotors
  9. Smells
  10. Anxiety due to disorders like claustrophobia, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

1. Fear of blood:

Do you panic when you see blood? This fear of blood, often called hemophobia can make you anxious about even the minor bleeding that can happen during a dental procedure.

2. Fear of injections:

If you fear injections or needles you may become anxious before dental procedures as certain procedures require the use of injections to administer anesthetic solutions for that numbing effect.

3. Intrusion of personal space:

Mouth is often considered as a personal area and you may feel uneasy to see a dentist working close to your mouth, which may subconsciously trigger anxiety in you.

4. Fear of choking:

You may fear choking by aspiration of the tiny instruments the dentist uses during procedures.

5. Fear of pain:

Dental procedures may sometimes involve small amounts of pain either during or after the procedure. But if you are highly sensitive to pain you may get more fearful of all these minor discomforts causing your anxiety.

6. Worries regarding anesthesia and its effects:

Sometimes you may not fear the injections but the thought of the anesthesia failure. Fear that the anesthesia might lose its effect mid procedure or the side effects that may appear from the anesthetic solution after the procedure. This may all lead to anxiety in you about the dental procedures.

7. Fear of dentist:

If you had a bad dental experience with your previous dentist you may become apprehensive about every dentist you visit thereafter. This is usually caused by the breach in trust with your previous dentist due to his bad behavior or treatment discomforts.

8. Noise from dental machine (airotors):

You may fear the noise coming from the machines used to drill your teeth during your dental procedures.

9. Smells:

The smell of the blood or that peculiar hospital smell of the dental clinic and the dental materials can make you uncomfortable and anxious at the dentist.

10. Anxiety due to disorders like claustrophobia, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD):

If you have claustrophobia you may feel it extremely suffocating to find a dentist and dental assistants sitting close to you leaning over your head as they work. Similarly, disorders like OCDs can make you highly anxious in regard to the proper cleanliness of the dental office and the sterilization of the instruments used for your procedure. Making you fear the delusional consequences that may occur in case a contaminated instrument is used during your treatment.

Ways to relieve dental anxiety:

Here are the ways in which our doctors at Realtooth help you relieve your dental anxiety;

1.Soothing and comforting clinical chambers for treatments: We at realtooth provide you the most soothing dental experience with our well furnished and thoughtfully designed separate treatment chambers keeping your privacy at highest and proving you your personal space with the dentist. Discuss and share all your dental concerns with our doctors without the fear of other patients knowing your oral or medical health issues.

2.Interactive and supportive professionals: With our qualified doctors and trained assistants we offer you an open, honest communication towards all your queries and worries. We are all ears to discuss any problems or confusion that you may have during your treatment with us. We believe in empathy and take time to listen and solve all your concerns easing your dental anxiety.

3.Medications: To ease your dental anxiety before the procedure we prescribe your certain medications. These medications have a transient effect and are safe (in case you are wondering about any side effects it may cause). Other options include the use of nitrous oxide for conscious sedation, but this is advised in rare cases depending on your medical condition and individual need.

4.Explanation and guidance: The most common way a dentist helps you with your dental anxiety is by providing you with a good explanation about the procedure he is about to do on you. This guidance helps you familiarize with the procedure and ease your nerves. Because fear of the unknown is what makes us the most anxious!

5.Mid treatment breaks: By taking short breaks every few minutes during the procedure allows you to relax. These mid treatment pauses also help the dentist to ask you about how you are feeling, whether you are comfortable or not.

6.Follow-ups: To get you off the fear of what may happen after the procedure is done, we provide you with follow up appointments to ensure you that we are with you at every step of your recovery.

The behavioral therapy:

Your dentist may advise you to practice mindfulness techniques such as; yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises. Along with this he may also suggest you to undergo cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) further reducing your negative thoughts and fears of the dental office and the dentist.

Signs to watch for in times of dental anxiety:

1.Shaking and restlessness:

Do you shake and feel restless when in the dental office? This may be a sign of you being anxious on your visit with the dentist.


Do you start sweating while talking to the dentist or while on the dental chair just prior to your dental procedure? This shows you being anxious.

3.Rapid heartbeat:

Do you feel your heart pounding faster when on a dental chair? Feeling like the heart is beating outside the chest is when you should know you are getting anxious at the dentist.

4.Trouble sleeping a night before dental appointment:

Do you feel worried and find sleeping extremely uneasy just a night before your dental visit? This is when you know you are anxious about your dental visit on the other day.

5.Feeling physically ill before dental appointment:

Do you feel like you have gotten a temperature just prior to your dentist’s appointment or you get an upset stomach on the day of your dental visit? This is another sign of you being anxious about dental treatment.

To know more, contact our clinic at Realtooth and schedule an appointment with our experts now. You can also visit our dental clinics at 4 prime locations in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. We look forward to helping you achieve the best oral health care possible.

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