Exploring Different Tooth Extraction Methods And Cost
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Different Tooth Extraction Methods And Cost

Different Tooth Extraction Methods And Cost


Whenever possible your dentist will always try to save your tooth and conserve it in its socket. But sometimes, extraction really is the only option. But what is this extraction? Ever wondered? In simple words, a tooth extraction is a relatively pain free and very safe dental procedure that involves removing one or more of your teeth from its socket under the effect of a numbing agent.
In this blog, we will explore the two types of extractions with the cost associated which will help you understand the difference between both and help you make a better choice.

The two types of extraction methods are;
1. Simple extraction
2. Surgical extraction

Simple extraction:

What comes to your mind when you think of tooth extraction? A dentist pulling out a tooth from your mouth, isn’t it? That's what a simple extraction is. It is a procedure of extracting the visible tooth and its root under the effect of a numbing agent so that you don’t feel any pain when your tooth is removed from the mouth.

Let’s know in brief about the steps involved in simple extraction method;

  • Numbing
  • Loosening
  • Pulling
  • The final step

1. NUMBING: The area around the tooth such as the gums and the bone is first numbed using a local anesthetic.

2. LOOSENING: After the area is numbed the dentist will now use a tool called the dental elevators to loosen up your tooth in its socket. Instruments called a dental forceps are used to grasp the tooth and move it back and forth by application of controlled force, until the fibers that attach your teeth and the gingiva break and your tooth loosen up in its socket.

3. PULLING: Now with the help of these dental forceps the tooth is pulled out of its socket.

4. THE FINAL STEP: The tooth socket is now inspected and cleaned in case there’s any pathology present and then the extraction site is closed using stitches (sutures).

Surgical extraction:

This method of extraction is used when the tooth to be removed is difficult to approach, not easily accessible for forceps grasp! There can be various reasons for this such as a fractured tooth in which the tooth’s structure gets lost from the top making it difficult to be held and pulled by the forceps. Also, conditions in which the tooth is completely embedded in the bone (impacted tooth) and cannot be properly seen in the mouth needs this method of tooth removal.

Is it sounding like a very aggressive and scary procedure? Let me break things down for you with these simple steps;

  • Antibiotic coverage
  • Numbing
  • Incision
  • Tooth removal
  • The final step

1.ANTIBIOTIC COVERAGE: Giving antibiotics and the required pre-procedure medications are usually preferred for prophylactic measures before surgical extraction. This prevents your chance of getting infections.

2.NUMBING: Just like the simple extraction, the area around the tooth consisting of your gums and bone is numbed using a local anesthetic.
Sometimes, the dentist may plan on going with the general anesthetic approach for your tooth extraction depending on the special requirements of your case. This altogether is a different but not that scary procedure! 3.INCISION: A small cut is now made on the tissue of the tooth to be extracted. The extent of the cut depends on the number of teeth involved in extraction.

4.TOOTH REMOVAL: The tooth is then removed from its socket using dental forceps. The method involved in surgical extraction differs slightly from that of simple extraction. Sometimes the bone may need to be removed or reshaped in the area of the tooth extraction or the tooth itself may be sectioned to break it in parts for easy removal.

5. THE FINAL STEP: This is the same as that of a simple extraction method. The tooth socket is inspected and cleaned in case there’s any pathology present and then the extraction site is closed using stitches (sutures).

About the complications associated with the two methods of extraction:

Tooth extraction irrespective of the method involved rarely causes any complications, but it's always good to know about the discomfort or complications that may follow after any operative procedure done on your body, here it is the extraction of your tooth!


This a painful condition that occurs in case the blood clot formed in the socket dislodges following extraction.


Also called the secondary bone death. Is a complication seen in patients undergoing radiation therapy or has a recent history of radiation treatment in the area of the head and neck.


Sometimes the medications you are on can also affect the healing of your extraction socket. Therefore such medications should be temporarily ceased before undergoing a teeth extraction procedure.

The cost comparison between the two methods of tooth extraction:

The cost that your dentist charges depends on various factors like the complexity of the procedure, the type and number of radiographs (X-Rays) taken, the type of anesthesia used and the method involved in anesthesia administration that is, whether local anesthesia is employed or general anesthesia in a hospital set up is involved.

Also the post extraction care and the medications prescribed for both the extraction methods slightly differ which further lead to cost differences. To get a clear picture you must always ask your dentist about the extraction method and the charges that are needed for your individual case.

Worried about the high cost and one go deposits? We at Realtooth offer you painless tooth extraction procedures with the best instruments and techniques at an affordable cost. Also we offer you EMI options to ease you the burden.

But why are tooth extractions necessary?
Saving your natural tooth is the first thing your dentist wants. But sometimes there arise factors and requirements that make him opt for removal of your tooth. Let us know about some of these factors in brief;

  • A grossly decayed tooth: Sometimes the tooth is so decayed and damaged that it is beyond repair and the only resort that’s left is pulling it out of your mouth.
  • The need in people with dental braces: Orthodontic treatments require tooth extractions in certain cases to help align your teeth better.
  • The wisdom tooth: The removal of the 3rd molar is commonly seen, as in most of the population the wisdom tooth is either partially erupted in the mouth causing trauma on the cheeks or they are not at all visible in the mouth and are completely embedded in the jaw causing pain and other discomforts.
  • The extra tooth: Few people often have extra teeth called supernumerary teeth. These are not required in mouth and appear unaesthetic therefore, extraction is preferred.
  • The special conditions: People with cysts or pathologies require removal of teeth. Sometimes the cancer survivors experience tooth mobility because of the chemotherapy and require tooth extraction

Are you in need of tooth extraction but are still apprehensive about the pain and discomfort you may experience?

We at Realtooth offer you painless tooth extraction experience with our best in world technologies and instruments. Our skilled doctors are trained to perform atraumatic extraction procedures. With our team of professionals we offer you care and support not only during the procedure but also after. With regular follow ups we make sure you are comforted at every step of your extraction journey with us right till your recovery.

Visit us at Realtooth to know more. Walk in or schedule a consultation with our experts now!

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